Boise Area Council of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous

Facts, Aims & Purposes

We are the Boise Area Committee of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous!

Our history began when young members of AA wanted not only to stay sober themselves but to carry the message to other still suffering alcoholics. We started meetings in the Boise Area and hosted dances and other events. We also attended YPAA conferences in other states. As our numbers grew we started bidding for these conferences, hoping to bring the fire YPAA has for sobriety back to our home town. After years of continued effort the committee was awarded the Western Area Conference of Young People in AA and WACYPAA XI was held in Boise in 2008. Since then YPAA has blown up in Idaho! YPAA groups have taken root in other cities. The Area 18 committee moved to create a YPAA Liaison and in 2011 we started our own Idaho YPAA conference. We call it Soberlution. It's awesome.

We exist to serve the Boise AA community and surrounding areas. We bring the joy of sober living by hosting a variety of events, supporting other groups, and raising funds to help carry the message. Basically, we do anything we can to inspire and sustain the AA way of life! We aim to be of maximum service to other alcoholics, to foster unity in our AA community and to make sobriety attractive by insisting on enjoying life. We do this to create the fellowship we crave, for ourselves and for you.

All are welcome here. There is no age limit in Young People's AA. Keeping with our Third Tradition; "The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking."